.. _bundled-steps: Bundled Steps ====================================== **************** Using the steps **************** This file contains common BDD methods that can be implemented by importing at top level of any step file in your project: .. code-block:: python from samuranium.steps import * .. .. note:: Steps can be preceded (In general) by Given, When or Then. But the idea is to use them as follows: Given: On preconditions like: Given I navigate to some page When: On actions like: When I click on this Then: On assertions and verifications like: Then I verify this content is displayed This is only for improved readability, but it won't make the steps fail if you mix the Preceding statements For instance, "*Given* I navigate to some page" is the same as "*Then* I navigate to some page" ************** Included steps ************** .. automodule:: samuranium.steps :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: